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Gluten Free Sesame Noodles

Adapted from Deborah Madison.

This is for the quick dinner, the pot luck, the throw what's left of the veggies, kinda meal. Of course, they do not have to be gluten free. Sub out your favorite noodle if you like. Not all gluten free noodles are worthy of a recipe. My fav are THESE. My husband only goes for gluten free spaghetti noodles in this one particular dish, so that's sayin' somethin'.


1 Pkg Gluten Free Noodles
1 Pkg Tofu (or pre seasoned Thai/Teriyaki Tofu)
3 Tbsps Coconut Aminos

1/4 Cup Sesame Oil
3 Tbsp Dark Sesame Oil
7 Tbsp Tamari (or Soy Sauce if you can have gluten)
3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
3 1/2 Tbsp Coconut Sugar
1 tsp Himilayan salt
2 tsp Chili Oil
1 Tbsp Minced Ginger

Add Ins
Shaved Carrots
Snow Peas
Sugar Snap Peas
Red/Yellow Peppers
Steamed Broccoli
Sesame Seeds



1. If making your own tofu, drain tofu and wrap in a tea towel or paper towels. Place a heavy pot or pan on top to squeeze out excess water anywhere from 10-30 min.
2. Cook noodles according to Pkg. Rinse in cold water, drain.
3. While noodles are cooking, mix the marinade ingredients.
4. Pour marinade over the noodles and toss to coat.
5. Add your favorite seasonal veggies
6. Add either pre-seasoned tofu cut into 1-2 inch pieces or make your own below
7. Add 1-2 tbsp coconut oil to a large pan. Cut the tofu into 1-2 inch pieces and fry over medium-high heat on each side until light brown. At the very end of cooking the second side, add the coconut aminos and toss the tofu to coat. Reduce the heat and continue to cook until crispy. Approx 5 more minutes. Add to the bowl and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.


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