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Roll It, To Relieve It!

A Full Body Myofascial Massage

June 2, 11:00-12:30 pdt

$60  | 

hOMe Yoga Studio & The Winebrary

*Includes a pair of take home therapy balls

Treat yourself to a Myofascial Release Workshop. I will help you release tension from the soles of your feet to the crown of your head and everywhere in between! Explore all the micro-regions of your body with Yoga Tune Up ® therapy balls and excavate tension from your joints and tissues. A full-body ‘rolling’ session is followed by a guided focused breathing meditation which will allow you to experience a state of deep, conscious relaxation. You will leave feeling refreshed in body, mind and spirit. No Yoga experience necessary. Students of all levels are welcome!


Supple Spine & Shoulders

Corrective Exercises & Myofascial Massage

June 9, 2:00-3:30 pdt

$60  | 

Cary Yoga Collective

*Includes a pair of take home therapy balls

Soften your spinal and shoulder tension with myo-facial ball massage and corrective exercises. You will slither out of the this workshop feeling not only supple, but strong. All levels welcome. Appropriate for anyone with chronic pain, spinal disc issues and shoulder injuries. Please feel free to reach out with any personal questions you may have prior to this workshop!



For Women Who Feel Sensually Frozen

April 21st, 11:00-12:30 pdt

$45  | 

hOMe Yoga Studio & The Winebrary


I will teach you:   



                How to unfreeze.

                How to move toward yourself.

                How to move toward your partner. 

THAW is for the woman who is DONE feeling frozen.

THAW is for the woman who is ready to accept that her sensuality is hers to own.

THAW is for the woman who is ready to feel safe in her body. 


Beyond Boundaries

A Sensual Awakening Series


$160  |  For All four

$50    |  Walk-in

Dance Brave is a combination of Myofascial Massage and Sensual Somatic Integration. First you will learn how to erase pain and increase mobility using special balls to address scar tissue and fascial adhesions. Then you will explore the uniqueness of your sensuality through music and movement. This work is for those who are ready to feel phenomenal in their skin. It’s for the woman who desires to feel confident and pain free. If it's uncomfortable and scary, it's good. It means you are growing. Birthing a new you will always be messy. This is not a space for comparison or perfectionism. YOU ALREADY ARE PERFECT. You literally can't do this wrong. It's your unique, bumpy, messy, falling and tripping over yourself journey that brings you into your erotic self. No one can do it for you or do it the way you will. It's merely an artistic playground. Mess it up 1000 times over to find a gem. Confidence comes through doing the Brave thing. NOT by doing the thing flawlessly. Class 1 Breath and Bloom Discover how interconnected the breath is to opening the doorway to your sensuality. Rooted in your relationship to Mother Earth, we will plant your unique sensual blueprint and experience yourself blossom. Class 2 Weather Patterns Our emotions mirror the weather. They come in, do something wild, and pass. This class explores various emotional weather patterns and teaches you how to find pleasure and power within them rather than getting stuck in their system. Class 3 Inner Animal In this exploration together, we will move with our animal instincts. Sometimes we are the hunter and other times the prey. Both can be titillating. Slip in and out of different animal archetypes to journey into the various pieces of your emotional and sensual expression. Go ahead and roar, you may surprise yourself! Class 4 The Eros Of Your Shadow So often we receive the messaging of “self improvement”. Through this lens we think we must eradicate the darkness that lives within. This work is for the integration and acceptance of ALL of who it is that we are. The shadow side (fear, jealousy, grief, rage…) exists for a purpose. They often step in to protect us. Rather than erase this part of ourselves, I invite you to learn how to dance with these aspects. Eros, our sensual life force can be experienced in all aspects. Learn how pleasure exists in the deep dark crevices and how bringing them into the light can rid yourself of shame.


Sacred Sensuality

Blossom Into Your Full Expression

May 13th, 11-12:30 pdt

$60  |  25% discount for mothers
virtual experience​

Through guided Sensual Movement, Yoga Nidra, and a unique custom blend flower essence formula, Natalia Kennedy and Tiffany Chambers-Goldberg will lead you in a juicy, soulful, deeply restful afternoon...

The Wild Feminine Retreat

Somewhere in the Washington woods

In the summer of 2022, a wild and wonderful band of women ate of the heavens, danced in the moonlight, laughed in the sun and learned to live more deeply in this first annual event. The collaboration between Mahsa Darabi, Jordann Kearns, Tiffany Dawn Chambers-Goldberg and Allison Jacks became a sublime and soulful exploration of what it means to be a woman in a community of powerful, beautiful women. If you missed it, don't make the same mistake twice. Details of the next gorgeous happening coming soon.

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