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Sacred Sensuality

Photo by Robert Thiemann

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May 13th
11-12:30 pdt

A virtual experience

Blossom Into Your Full Expression

Are you feeling:


  • depleted and want to take a moment to recharge yourself?

  • disconnected from your body and its power?

  • uncomfortable with your sensuality and want a safe place to explore it?


Sacred Sensuality is For The Woman Who Desires:


  • To connect to the part of her that pulses with life.

  • To access her creativity and inspiration, and feel more empowered and sensual.

  • To feel nourished and restored, thereby bringing more awareness within herself.

  • To connect to the part of herself that is deeply rooted in the earth.






Through guided Sensual Movement, Yoga Nidra, and a unique custom blend flower essence formula, Natalia Kennedy and Tiffany Chambers-Goldberg will lead you in a juicy, soulful, deeply restful afternoon.


You will connect with and experience the part of you that is nourished, relaxed and alive!


*Included, is a unique formulated flower essence created by Natalia designed to enhance your experience with the feminine. The unique custom blend Sacred Sensuality flower essence formula will be shipped to you and will continue the journey with you for about a month.


25% discount for mothers.


*A recording of Sacred Sexuality will be available for you to view if you cannot make it in person, or if you want to revisit the workshop again. The recording will be available until the Strawberry Full Moon on June 3rd.

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Our Story


Natalia Kennedy

Natalia is a flower essence practitioner and yoga nidra guide, and founder and co-creator of Butterfly & Lotus. She is also a mama, homeschooling teacher and aspiring gardener. 


In working with the flowers and plants, she has connected much more deeply to herself and re-connected to the little girl within who would play with the flowers, trees, and earth in the Polish countryside.


Along with the plants, Yoga Nidra (“conscious sleep”) has been one of the most significant ways of connecting with and exploring her nervous system and bringing more calm and pause into her life.


She founded Butterfly & Lotus to create a place of healing and heart-centered support. She is an earth lover and believes strongly in doing all we can to protect and restore the earth. 


If she’s not creating flower essence formulas or enjoying yoga nidra, she can usually be found playing with her kids outdoors or digging in her garden. 

Tiffany Chambers-Goldberg

C-IAYT, C-IYTT, LMT, is a sensual movement practitioner and the internationally renowned creator of Dance Brave™. Dance Brave™ is the culmination of 30+ years of intense fitness, nutrition and anatomy studies; teaching Yoga Tune Up® and sensual movement. Tiffany's roster includes high profile celebrities, ADIDAS, Equinox and private clientele. Passionate about feeding both body and mind, it wasn’t until Tiffany found pole dancing and sensual movement that she gained full clarity, focus and purpose. The difference between moving her body and becoming physically embodied is what ignited her relationship of loving the self. Dance Brave™ bridges the gap between the life practitioners have, and the life for which they long.

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